Recreate Positive Experiences

This new challenge involves remembering and recreating positive experiences to renew neural networks. It doesn’t matter if you remember or not. The idea is to create new experiences to replace old experiences that were not in your highest and best good. Be sure to have fun.

Once again, it does not matter how much you remember (or forget). This is not a test. It is a safe way to nudge your body back into balance.

© Parkinsons Recovery

I Wish to Wish in 2025

2025 is a good year to fill out minds with wishes for ourselves and those we love. What better mind exercise is there than to challenge ourselves with wishes for ourselves and others.

Do this now: Repeat the tongue twister below seven (7) times using a loud, strong voice. Challenge yourself with memorizing this tongue twister about wishes.

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

Once memorized, say this tongue twister out loud every time you see a bird during the next three days. Saying this tongue twister activates the power of your brain’s plasticity. Your neurons will thank you.

What is a tongue-twister?

A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly. Tongue-twisters rely on similar but distinct phenomena, unfamiliar constructs or other strange combinations of the sound and meaning of words. Tongue-twisters use a combination of alliteration and rhyme. They have two or three sequences of sounds. The same sequences are repeated with an exchange of similar sounds.

Why does saying tongue twisters out loud help Build Neural Networks?

Talking loudly improves your voice significantly. Memorization of seemingly nonsensical sentences forges new neural networks. This benefits motor skills and memory acuity as well as expressiveness.


© Parkinsons Recovery